Spotlight on Learning: Primary 7

00005Caireen Harvey 1 Primary 7 pupils led the ‘Spotlight on Learning Showcase’ on Tuesday 10th of November 2015. The pupils showcased their learning journey about Poverty in Education, in Scotland.

The pupils spoke clearly and concisely about the impact this is having on our modern world and the children who are growing up, during these times. 00036Caireen Harvey 1

Both the pupils and the school welcomed guests from throughout the authority including Development Officers, teachers and learners from our learning community; St John Ogilvie High School and St Joseph’s Primary School, 00037Caireen Harvey 1Representatives from the Hamilton Food Bank and the Head of Education Carole McKenzie.

00058Caireen Harvey 1The pupils put their learning journey on a platform accompanied by the evidence they have researched throughout the course of the year.

Guests raved at how fantastic the pupils conducted themselves, the children demonstrated a high level of maturity to speak to guests about such an important topic in today’s world.

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Parent, carers, extended families and friends also attended the showcase and spoke of how impressed the were with the level of knowledge the pupils demonstrated.

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