Dress Down Day 2nd November 2015

Dress Down Day

To assist in the preparation of the fast approaching P.T.A. Christmas Fayre, there will be a Dress Down Day for the children on Monday 2nd November 2015.

Children are invited to come to school on this day in their ‘own’ clothes, in exchange for a donation to the Christmas Fayre.

Here is a leaflet from the P.T.A. offering ideas of possible donations:

PTA Christmas Fayre Dress Down Day Leaflet 2nd November 2015

Football colours are not prohibited on this day.

Reminder: Catholic School Parent Assembly tomorrow in Carfin

Parents from Catholic schools across Scotland are invited to participate in the latest in a series of Parent Assemblies which are designed to inform and consult them on important issues.

TIOF Strands Master web.jpg

Making Sense of This Is Our Faith

supporting parents to make sense of the Religious Education programmes

taught in Catholic primary and secondary schools

Saturday 3rd October 2015;  10.30 to 12.30pm

St Francis Xavier Centre, Taylor Avenue, Carfin Lanarkshire ML1 5AJ

go to Catholic School Parent Assembly 3rd October 2015

Parent Teacher Association

St. Mark’s Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of mums and dads who are primarily concerned with fundraising for the pupils of St Mark’s.

It is vitally important that the PTA raise additional money for the school to really enhance the educational experience our children receive at St Mark’s Primary School.

In the past year, the PTA has purchased a whole school maths resource and a new Spanish teaching resource which can be used at all levels in the school.

They also contribute towards the more fun elements of school life like Christmas parties, school discos and panto and outward bound trips, enjoyed by all pupils. The school football strip was also organised by the PTA.

The PTA is made up of parents with children of all ages and stages at the school. They meet at the school on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm and new members are always welcome!

Feel free to come along to one of the meetings or contact stmarkshamiltonpta@outlook.com for more information on how you can get involved.

School Uniform

All pupils in St. Mark’s wear school uniform:

Jacket:                                    either   Brown blazer with School Badge

or         Brown fleece

Trousers/Skirt:                                  Brown

Shirt/Blouse:                                     Blue

Tie:                                                     School Tie

Primary 7 wear a special tie, available from school

Top:                                                    either Brown V-neck jumper / cardigan

or         Pale blue V-neck jumper / cardigan

Footwear:                                          Black/ brown school shoes

Brown socks/tights

School Bag:                                       either Brown bag with School Badge

or         bag of choice

Physical Education (P.E.) Kit:         Pale blue polo shirt

Navy shorts

Black plimsolls

Swimming Kit:                                   swimming trunks and cap       boys

swimming costume and cap   girls

Currently, swimming takes place only in Primary 7 and Primary 5.


Only Primary 1 pupils may wear their polo shirt all day on P.E. days.

All other pupils change for Physical Education.


The uniform, including hair scrunchies, is available from:

  • Catherine’s,  265 Glasgow Road,  Burnbank, Hamilton ML3 0QG
  • Alston’s, 84 Quarry Street, Hamilton ML3 7AX
  • www.border-embroideries.co.uk