What is a Learning Community?

A Learning Community is a group of people who share common academic goals and attitudes and who meet regularly to collaborate on learning and teaching and the work of the school.

St. Mark’s Primary School is a member of the St. John Ogilvie Learning Community. Our Learning Community consists of six associated Primary Schools and one High School.

We belong with our colleagues in

St. Blane’s Primary School

St. Cuthbert’s Primary School and Nursery Class

St. John Ogilvie High School

St. Joseph’s Primary School and Nursery Class

St. Ninian’s Primary School

St. Peter’s Primary School

We enjoy working together to challenge and support the education of all of our children. The Head Teachers meet monthly and the teaching staff are encouraged to meet with their colleagues from the other schools to share ideas, training, resources and classroom practice.

We also provide opportunities for our pupils to meet e.g. Pupils from St Joseph’s and St. Blane’s joined with us for our World of Work Day and the Staff of St. Peter’s joined with us when we worked on Food Technology training in the Healthy Eating Bus. Most recently, we met in August for teachers to share standards and ensure that we have a shared understanding of assessment and moderation of the Curriculum in Numeracy and Literacy.

We value our Learning Community colleagues very much and happily work together to ensure the best for all.


Thanks for the question Mr Murphy.

National Improvement Framework

The National Improvement Framework  sets out the Scottish Government’s vision and priorities for our children’s progress in learning, delivering both excellence and equity whilst seeking to close the attainment gap. St. Mark’s children are our greatest asset and as their Headteacher and Teachers we have a crucial job to bring out the best in each of our children. The professionalism of our teachers and the strong leadership that exits in our school puts us in a good position to deliver the huge ambition we have for our children.

Read more about it:

National Improvement Framework for Parents




We are a Nut Free School


Nut Free School

Please do not send any peanuts, peanut butter or foods containing peanuts or peanut butter to be eaten as snacks or as part of lunches.

This is a learning process for all of us, but we trust that you understand how deeply important it is to respect and adhere to these guidelines to ensure the safety of our children who suffer with a peanut allergy.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

easyfundraising…. online shopping for the good of the school!


Please take a look at the easyfundraising flyer: easyfundraising flyer

Check pupil school bags today as the flyer will be sent home.

We hope this fantastic initiative will be something that parents, carers and families can use to benefit the school.

We promise to keep you updated in our monthly newsletters, posts right here on our website and also on our school Twitter Page: @stmarksham

It is simple and effective, spread the word!

Eco Bring and Buy Sale postponed…

The Eco Bring and Buy sale has been postponed to Wednesday 23rd April due to the lack of donations.

The sale has been postponed for a further two weeks, in the hope that given more time, pupils and families can have a pre-spring clean and donate any toys, books, DVD’s, games etc.

All items should be in good condition and no items will cost more than £2.

The sale will take place in Room 9 during lunchtime, this will allow children to attend the classroom with easy access from the playground.


Eco News… Bring and Buy Sale… WWF Earth Hour

Globe Goes Green Icon Final

The Eco Committee need one or two parent members to join as they strive to achieve the Silver Eco award. It would involve bringing your ideas and help to our meetings which take place once or twice a term on a Tuesday morning.

Please get in touch if you can support us?


PASS IT ON WEEK 5th – 13th March

This is Scotland’s annual week for helping the planet by keeping items in use as long as possible by passing it on to someone else. To support this, the Eco Team are holding a “Bring and Buy Sale” on Wednesday the 23rd of March. The sale will take place during lunchtime, in the school gym hall and items will cost no more than £2.00

Can you help by donating children’s books, DVDs or toys, that are in good condition, but no longer needed or wanted??

The money raised will go to the Lenten appeal for SCIAF. A good chance to get the spring cleaning started!


WWF Earth Hour – 19th March

On the 19th of March at 8:30pm earth hour starts. During this hour, the Eco Team would much appreciate, if you could turn off any electricity for one hour. You could light some candles and play a game in the dark or go outside and take a walk.

Please email the school any photographs, we would love to see your efforts to save our planet!

For more information, please visit: http://earthhour.wwf.org.uk/




The Rag Bag Scheme

IMG_1086 1St Mark’s Primary School is proud to announce that we have recently become ‘rag-baggers’.

The Rag Bag Scheme increases awareness about textile recycling and by increasing recycling rates we can help the environment by ensuring less material goes to landfill.

The metal outdoor bank is the perfect solution for recycling on a regular basis.

The collection bank is located inside the school grounds at the drop-off area.

Items Collected:

  • Wearable Clothing
  • Paired Shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts

Please use this facility as much as you wish, thank you!

For more information please visit: www.rag-bag.co.uk


Sports for Champions Initiative

Mr Brownlie delivered a very informative whole school assembly recently to inform pupils about our school participating in the Sports for Champions Initiative.

Assembly (Mr Brownlie) (1)Mr Brownlie spoke about Sports For Champions, and informed the whole school that inspiration and motivation can bring a world of difference to undiscovered potential, and through a Fitness Challenge we can achieve this.

Assembly (Mr Brownlie) (3)


Each child is capable of greatness, of becoming a champion, and the aims at Sports for Champions is to bring out that champion with self belief and determination.

Liam with parents


We look forward to welcoming a team of athletes on Friday 29th January. A very special guest we have attending is Liam Davie, a silver medallist at the Commonwealth Games, he will be involved in supporting take this initiative forward.