School Uniform

All pupils in St. Mark’s wear school uniform:

Jacket:                                    either   Brown blazer with School Badge

or         Brown fleece

Trousers/Skirt:                                  Brown

Shirt/Blouse:                                     Blue

Tie:                                                     School Tie

Primary 7 wear a special tie, available from school

Top:                                                    either Brown V-neck jumper / cardigan

or         Pale blue V-neck jumper / cardigan

Footwear:                                          Black/ brown school shoes

Brown socks/tights

School Bag:                                       either Brown bag with School Badge

or         bag of choice

Physical Education (P.E.) Kit:         Pale blue polo shirt

Navy shorts

Black plimsolls

Swimming Kit:                                   swimming trunks and cap       boys

swimming costume and cap   girls

Currently, swimming takes place only in Primary 7 and Primary 5.


Only Primary 1 pupils may wear their polo shirt all day on P.E. days.

All other pupils change for Physical Education.


The uniform, including hair scrunchies, is available from:

  • Catherine’s,  265 Glasgow Road,  Burnbank, Hamilton ML3 0QG
  • Alston’s, 84 Quarry Street, Hamilton ML3 7AX